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Steal This: Chef Action Stations: Page 3 of 6

Boulangerie et Charcuterie!

For entertaining trustees, donors, honorees, and distinguished guests during commencement weekend, Catering on the Charles, Boston, MA pitched a French bistro theme. Included was a fromage and charcuterie station with raclette grill, which also included a display of racks and baskets filled with homemade baguettes, ficelles, and boules that the chefs pulled from to serve at their station. 

The rack and basket display provided a lovely backdrop for this delicious action station Photo by Jackie Ricciardi for Boston University Photography

Cheese selections included aged goat, Roquefort, Epoisses, fromage de meaux, crottin de champcol, and tomme de savoie Photo by Jackie Ricciardi for Boston University Photography


Here is a summary