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Bonnie Kravitz

Bonnie Kravitz
Head Pastry Chef, Daniel et Daniel, Toronto, Ontario, CAN

Bonnie Kravitz is a self-taught pastry chef, originally form Montreal where she learned to cook from her parents, who are both great cooks and food lovers. Bonnie's family owned a restaurant so she grew up in the industry and fell in love with food. She moved to Toronto 6 years ago to attend culinary school and worked in a few restaurants as a line cook before joining the Daniel et Daniel team 4 years ago to work in pastry.

  • Where do you find inspiration?
    I find inspiration in everything around me from books, magazines, blogs and art to my childhood and things I loved as a kid that I can put a new twist on
  • What excites you most about the year ahead in the catering industry?
    New and different cooking methods, I just got my cold smoking gun and am very excited to start using it in some of my desserts!
  • What is your favorite meal to cook when you are home?
    Risotto, I find it very relaxing to cook or breakfast, my favorite  meal any time of day.
  • If you could spend a day with a famous chef or famous person either living or deceased, who would you choose and why?   
    Anthony Bourdain. I think he has the coolest job, travelling around the world eating amazing food. I'd love to follow him around for a while.



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