Catersource Magazine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Catersource Magazine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Catersource Magazine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
February 10, 2017
1. Is Catersource magazine really closing?
Catersource magazine will be issued once a year after the March/April 2017 Weddings edition. In the future, we will have one comprehensive annual issue distributed a month before the conference and tradeshow. It will be a robust edition filled information about the event and industry as a whole.
2. Why will only 1 issue of the magazine be produced? Why is this happening?
We’ve found that while our digital databases have been increasing, our magazine subscriptions have been declining. We feel that our audience has moved to digital and live spaces and we need to respond with the type of media they want. We will be dedicating resources to developing more community-tailored content which will reinforce our digital channels and communities and leverage the synergy with our live, in-person experiences. This move will allow us to focus more on consistently providing relevant content when there is an important development which impacts the catering and event community. Digital products provide more flexibility and opportunity to reach our community with interesting content and vital information when it’s needed.
3. What will replace the magazine?
Catersource has begun offering increased, year-round editorial content with specialized articles for specific segments of the catering and events community in the form of redesigned eNewsletters as industry news vehicles. These include both newsletters addressed to those who attend our conference and tradeshow, as well as those who wish to exhibit.
In addition, we have moved forward with a newly designed deploy of our popular Get Fresh (monthly), On The Market Now (monthly) and On The Show Floor Now (each day during the show), newsletters you may already be subscribed to. Plus, we are planning a new look for our website, improving the user experience. It will be easier for our audience to access industry news in real-time with information that they need and want.
4. What if I don’t want to subscribe to your eNewsletters? I get too many emails as it is.
Well, we hope you will want to subscribe to them because with a digital delivery, you’ll receive important articles—and something the magazine could never do: interesting and informative video clips! You’ll be able to consume them at your convenience on any digital platform such as your iPad, phone, laptop or desktop computer. Reading Catersource news and articles will become more mobile and efficient for everyone. Give it a try. You can always add and drop products once you see how they fit into your schedule.
5. Does this mean that Catersource, the show, will go away, too?
Catersource is a viable and important industry brand that is celebrating its 25-year anniversary with the show in New Orleans, March 12–15, 2017. Catersource, the show for catering and event professionals continues to be the largest catering and event show in the USA. The changes we’re making with increased digital touchpoints will allow us to better focus on the live event, providing relevant content both onsite and year-round.
6. What will the editor do and the other people associated with the magazine?
Catersource magazine Publisher & Executive Editor, Kathleen Stoehr, is now the Director of Content and she’ll be creating and curating year-round, specialized content for the various segments of the industry. Laurie Scheel, the Advertising Director & Associate Publisher will remain with Catersource through March 2017 and afterward her position will be consolidated with our sales team. We wish Laurie well in her new endeavors and any inquiries regarding advertising sales after March should be directed to Dave Pruka.
7. I’m an advertiser. What content products will you have for advertising now?
We’ll have some of the same advertising opportunities and some new ones too.
New! We’ve made arrangements for advertisers to leverage our website traffic with specific, retargeted ads. When our users view products on our site, client ads will appear on other sites as they surf on the web.
New! The new Attendee and Exhibitor eNewletters will both offer advertising options.
New! The Catersource mobile app will have an assortment of advertising and sponsoring opportunities.
Continuing: As always, we’ll promote advertisers in Get Fresh, On the Market Now, On the Show Floor Now, Exclusive emails, the Showguide, the annual show issue of Catersource and
8. I’m an advertiser and just signed a contract to advertise. What will happen now?
Laurie is personally contacting each advertiser affected by the change with suggestions and next steps to realign their Catersource advertising. We value our customers and our goal is to offer them the best advertising products to help them reach our audience effectively.
If advertisers want more information, they can click here for the newly-revised 2017 media kit.