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Event trend predictions for 2017

Here is a look at a few of the hot event trends for 2017.

Live video

We are seeing live video being implemented across a variety of social platforms. Consumers and viewers love this form of engagement at events. This year at Gold Sky Productions, we opened a full Digital Division led by Nick Dunlap to be able to provide video content and digital content strategy to our clients for pre-, during-, and post-event. Our ability to increase brands’ ROI through digital strategy and content creation is in high demand. 


mages via Facebook 

Hot design material: Cork

The use of cork in design is an earthy tone that will provide the guests with an environment that is refined and refreshing. Cork can be incorporated in art-inspired interactive walls, table coverings, or serving bowls. It weighs less than wood and metal, which is a plus for easy set-up and strike. 

Heart Surgery Zurich by Dost

02E Supply 

Waste management

Keeping with the environmental trend and original culinary rituals, there are many initiatives being made to cut down food waste. We see an increase in “Head to Tail” and “Root to Tip” catering. This means making use of the entire product and not just select parts of an animal or vegetable when creating dishes to cut down food waste. If you are interested in learning more about Upcycling food waste for catered events, click here and here for seminars presented in March 2017 at Catersource and the Art of Catering Food.

Matspill by Maja K Zetterberg

New technologies for photo stations

Multi Cam, 3D, and VR Photo Stations create an elevated visual experience for guests, which in turn leads to digital sharing. Although the photo booth is the sweetheart of the event industry—encouraging digital sharing for guests—there are new technologies diversifying the look of a “photo station” photograph. The rise of Multi Cam, 3D and VR booths will potentially move us away from still photos and standard GIFs.


Event & Content Marketing

By focusing on the emotional connection and experience of the guest, event design and content strategy can encourage brand loyalty prior to, during, and after the event. By focusing on designing interactive and inspiring events and creating a thorough content strategy, you will automatically market the brand digitally, as those key moments are more likely to create a deeper impact on social media. This is a trend that we have observed increasing in past years and will continue to lead the industry again in 2017. 

Body at ESPYs by Gold Sky Productions - Digital Division


April Luca, Owner of Gold Sky Productions (GSP) has positioned herself to be one of the most celebrated event producers in the business because of her ability to deliver consistent and innovative events to her clients. She has successfully produced events within the fashion, music, gaming, sports and entertainment industries. 

April Luca

April Luca, Owner of Gold Sky Productions (GSP) has positioned herself to be one of the most celebrated event producers in the business because of her ability to deliver consistent and innovative events to her clients. She has successfully produced events within the fashion, music, gaming, sports and entertainment industries.


Here is a summary