How to Sell Your VenueHow to Sell Your Venue
How to Sell Your Venue
The face of modern marketing has changed. Digital marketing tools have become affordable, and some are even free. As easy as developing the digital version of a brand is, however, the standards are still high and the competition is fierce. Every trick and tool available you is equally as accessible to your competition, so execution is critical. The elements below will help you increase sales and hone a message for your prospects that is loud and clear.
Your unicorn story
Couples want to make a connection with your venue, and its origin story can be the perfect invitation in. Make your marketing more relatable by sharing it in an engaging voice. You might also consider publishing nuggets of personality—house secret recipes, your favorite specialty linen of the season, or funny behind-the-scenes events that only “insiders” would know.
Quality images
Today’s consumer expects professional quality images, not just cell phone pictures with filters. Be sure to include photos of your site as a clean palette along with a variety of layouts, configurations and combinations to inspire interest. Images should be lit properly and reflect your ideal weddings so they appeal to your perfect clients.
Helpful videos
YouTube is now the internet’s second largest search engine, and videos done well are dynamic and effective at converting interest into sales. Publish venue tours for clients world-wide or offer video testimonials from staff and customers alike.
The industry standard has long been two-dimensional floorplans that show the basic specs of a site and sometimes setup details. However, 3D floorplan diagrams are transforming the industry, giving venues an efficient and accurate way to work with clients on designing their event floorplans, table and buffet displays, and seating charts too. Through the use of virtual reality, venues can elevate the experience even further by offering clients a virtual tour of their floorplan. Not only does virtual reality eliminate the need for on-site walkthroughs, it allows clients to get a life-like viewing of what their actual event would look like at the venue while also providing an opportunity for out of town clients to experience the space without having to be at the venue.
Achievements & awards
Promoting your awards and recognition builds credibility with your audience. Clients are more likely to trust you if an industry association or local business group has bestowed an honor on your venue. Make sure that your digital presence reflects any titles or honors you have earned.
Don’t let the ease of creating a digital presence lull you into lowering your standards. Leverage the tools that are available to enable you to produce the professional quality messaging your venue deserves.