Tomato Jam with Curry VariationsTomato Jam with Curry Variations

Gayle Greenley, Owner, Loaves & Fishes Catering Company, Taylorsville, GA

June 25, 2015

1 Min Read
Tomato Jam with Curry Variations


Tomato Jam:
6 -7 large ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and finely chopped
¼ cup lemon juice
3 cups sugar, divided
2 Tbsp powdered fruit pectin

Indian Curry:
1 Tbsp curry powder
¾ tsp cinnamon
¾ tsp ginger
½ tsp cardamom
½ tsp garam masala

Moroccan Curry:
½ tsp of each:
saffron, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, chili powder
Cayenne to taste

1. Tomatoes in pan, bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add Lemon juice.
2. In small bowl, add pectin and ¼ cup sugar to the tomatoes, bring back to a simmer and slowly add remaining sugar. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes and add Curry seasoning as Jam thickens.
3. Process in pint canning jars in water bath for 5 minutes.

Recipe provided by Gayle Greenley, Owner, Loaves and Fishes Catering Company, Atlanta, GA as presented at the 2014 Art of Catering Food in Atlanta, GA.

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About the Author

Gayle Greenley

Owner, Loaves & Fishes Catering Company, Taylorsville, GA

Gayle's adventures in food began when working at a restaurant as a busgirl as a teen. It was the first time she ever had broccoli and hollandaise sauce.. and she was in love. After being told that Hollandaise was a butter sauce, she went to the store and bought a head of broccoli and pound of butter (of course not the same thing) and ate herself sick. From that point on, she wanted to know what else she was missing and how to reproduce it. Since then, Gayle has played every moveable part in the industry, including owner of her own restaurant. When Gayle returned to the food industry 14 years ago, she chose off-premise catering once she realized that was the part of the restaurant she really loved. She loved being part of clients' special days and loved putting together menus and designs that made them exciting. She still loves seeing the anxiety melt from a bride’s face as she takes her through the day with her words and ideas.

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