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What's Hot: Event Trends 2017

It's impossible to know what clients want because—as mentioned before—caterers aren't mind readers. Thankfully, though, event trends influence customers and make caterers' jobs just a bit simpler, giving them an idea of what décor, cuisine, themes, etc. that they'll be perfecting over the course of the year. We spoke with three ICA member caterers about the new event trends that they've been noticing in 2017 and what they do to make themselves different.

Edible Cocktails
Alcohol that you can eat? This trendy creation is from Rachanee Keovorabouth-Teipen, executive chef with Thomas Caterers of Distinction. She describes it as "cheesecake in a fun bubble bath tub complete with edible coconut bubbles and a candy duck." There's even a "bubble solution mixed with bourbon that blows out of a bubble machine."

Photo Thomas Caterers of Distinction

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Here is a summary